Choosing A Great Business Attorney

Choosing A Great Business Attorney

Warehouse Injuries That Can Lead To Workers' Compensation Claims

While work at a warehouse can be difficult and strenuous, warehouses still employ many people. The more people that work in a warehouse, the more chance there is for injuries to occur. If you are working in a warehouse and you become injured, you should contact a workers' compensation law firm so they can assist you in the process of filing a claim. Common Warehouse H

How Your Employer Could Be Violating The Family Medical Leave Act

Have you or a family member ever been so sick that you're unable to go to work? While this may have been an issue that wouldn't cross your mind in the past, it is becoming more common with COVID-19 being so common. However, you may be in a situation where your employer is not allowing you to take the time you need for you or your family. Here are some things you need

5 Reasons You May Be Able To File A Wrongful Termination Lawsuit

You have the right to quit a job when you desire, and at the same time, employers have the right to terminate your employment. However, while it may be true that employers are able to make employment decisions pretty broadly, they are not able to violate their employees' rights. If you believe that you have recently been fired in a situation that is protected by state

6 International Trade Law Issues Every Company Should Understand

International trade law is a topic as diverse as the participants in the global business community. That can make it a tricky issue to navigate, and it's wise to retain the services of an international trade attorney if your enterprise has any import or export interests. You'll want to be familiar with the legalities involved in these six common legal problems in the

What Kind Of Issues Can An Employment Attorney Handle?

If you've recently experienced an issue at your workplace, or if you're an employee who has wrongly lost their job, you may be thinking of contacting an attorney. It's never a good idea to navigate a complex legal issue on your own, especially anything regarding workplace and employment law. An employment attorney can help in many situations and is ready to listen to